
Showing posts from March, 2018

Baba ghanoush, on detox SPECIAL REQUEST!

Hello peeps! Yes you read this right it's special request. A patient called and here is her response (sorry it took so long!). Here is the DL I had never ever had Baba Ghanoush in my life! So I decided ( for research purposes only😋) to go to a restaurant that I shall not mention, ordered me a plate of this creamy deliciousness. If you have never had this the main ingredient is eggplant and the texture is close to but not the same as hummus. It has a slight smokey flavor and it is a spread that if you like it you will want to put on EVERYTHING! If you have met me you would know that the only thing I did during my detox process that was not approved was hummus on a Saturday cuz I wanted it so bad with rainbow carrots (I call it my break). Jeez I wish I'd known about this thing it is just delish. OK enough, now I know some of you go straight for the recipe but for those of you who read the entire thing first thanks and second here are the tips for this recipe: Roast the...

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