Mushroom ceviche!!!
Ceviche: A South American dish of marinated raw fish or seafood, typically garnished and served as an appetizer. In our case we want to make it our of mushrooms and the mushrooms to use can be to your discretion. The thing about this amazing recipe is that it is so versatile you can use so many different mushrooms that it can blow your mind. In my case I used button mushrooms because its what I had in hand when i decided to make this amazing thing! I served mine with dehydrated plantain chips because... come on it's delicious! So as a side note I have added the recipe for them. Mushrooms provide many of the nutritional attributes of produce, as well as attributes more commonly found in meat, beans or grains. Mushrooms are low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free, gluten-free , and very low in sodium , yet they provide important nutrients, including selenium, potassium (8%), riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D and more. Before you ask yourself... it...