Non-Dairy Mashed Potatoes

This past weekend was Memorial Day which usually means beach, sun and barbecue; and me being me I couldn't show up to my husbands family's house empty handed. This recipe was so good that no one thought it was vegan, let alone detox. To continue with my potato phase I made non-dairy mash potatoes without compromising taste, because who would want to do that to comfort food??

I used my handy dandy slow cooker and my wits to come up with creamy wonderful tasting mashed potatoes. The slow cooking allows the potatoes to soak up the taste of the cooking liquid and any spices you put in there. Of course I only added vegetable broth and garlic to cook it. To give it the creamy texture, after cooking it I used my food processor to cream 3/4 of the potato in the slow cooker and the rest I mashed with a potato masher.

Adding flavor to me is a must, I topped it off with home-made white onion and garlic in a type of "Mojo Sauce" with no oil. If you want to add a bite and you like raw onion you can use it to flavor your mash with no other ingredients but be careful that can over power the whole thing.

Now make this because you wont believe how good they are till you try'em!!
 **Remember I have a small slow cooker but if you want more and you have a bigger slow cooker double the recipe**


slow cooker 1.5 qt/ food processor/ potato masher/ medium size bowl/ knife/ cutting board/ sauce pan/ measuring cup


3 Cups of Red skin potato Chopped  (half skinned)
1/2 cup Vegetable broth 
3 teaspoon minced garlic
2 bay leaves
1/4 white onion
5 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar


1. Add the potatoes, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder and the veggie broth to the slow cooker. Turn it on in low for 8 hours or in high for 4 hours. (until the potatoes are fully cooked)

2. Make the "mojo"; in a small sauce pan cook the onion in the apple cider vinegar, add the minced garlic and the bay leaves cook on low heat until the onions are fully cooked. If you cook in high heat the garlic will burn and it will taste bitter.

3. When the potatoes are cooked place them in your food processor and pulse until your potatoes look like cream. Place them a bowl and add the rest of the potato and use the potato masher to give it texture.

4. add the "mojo" a little bit at a time and mix it. Add any spices you want to flavor your potatoes. I added some fresh basil and fresh Greek oregano...(It was scrumptious!!)

Enjoy and Share!!


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