Mango Raw Pie


This is a delicious and amazing treat. A little tricky but not impossible! This recipe will have the same crust as the apple pie only difference the spices!

This pie was surely a stand-up and clap type of recipe on my cooking class. Because people could not believe that we could eat pie on detox and my job was to prove them wrong! I loved making this recipe because at home it is such a hit and now I want you to try at home too. 

The ingredients are very simple and it is fast to make. I only struggled because it was my first time actually using a Vita-mix. then again to make pie all you need is pie crust and filling.  The question is how do I make RAW PIE CRUST?!!  

The answer is simple: Dates and coconut peeps!! The instructions are bellow in an image. In order to get these beautiful tarts you can use silicone tart-let/ mini quiche pans. You need to mold and cool these for a while before you top them with any fruit filling.  Make sure to make the crust before the filling so that you can mold it to your hearts content. (I made mine a night before the class!) 

So enough telling you how to make it and how delicious it is you need to make this now! 

For this recipe you will need these tools:

High speed blender/ measuring Spoons & Cups/  silicone spatula/ Pie pan (or tartlet pan for individual pies)/ mixing bowls

Enjoy and remember Sharing is Caring!!


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