Coconut, Carrot & Ginger Soup

Hey guys! This is a short post but a yummy one. I know that any recipe that lists its ingredients in the name is wonderful (to me lol). How ever for this recipe you will need to dig a lil deeper.  It has been brought to my attention that soup can be flavorless..... I would hate to be on detox and have NO FLAVOR. So here is my hubby's personal favorite veggie soup! 

This soup combines the best of the best, it has starch, fresh produce and healthy fats!  It is delicious... and I am not just saying that because I made it but..IT IS SO AMAZING! It is sweet and creamy and so so luscious, it will make you forget what you miss about your regular diet in a jiff. 

The best part is that it could be a part of your weekly prep and you can refrigerate it and have this as a saving grace throughout the week! 

No more talking more making Here is the Coconut, Carrot, Ginger soup recipe! 

Remember that sharing is caring!


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