Thanksgiving Menu III

Hello!!!!!! I am so happy you're still with me so for this post I want to keep it short and sweet... GET IT?! It's dessert time: 🍨

We are making desserts that will blow you away. The first recipe was borrowed from the C.U.R.E. BOOK by Rosanne. This recipe is so good creamy and full of vitamins and mineral as it is RAW.

Pumpkin Pie

This next and final recipe is so good I made it twice and there was nothing but an empty bowl... twice. DON'T JUDGE! 🀣

This recipe is a twist on the chocolate pudding that is made out of cacao and avocado. Inspired by the holidays and some extra cranberries in my house (They were on sale because of the season) I present to you πŸ₯:

Cranberry Pudding 

You can also make a pie crust and place the pudding inside it and then topping it with some cranberry sauce... Home made and not store bought, follow this link to get a detox friendly version that is to die for! AMAZING CRANBERRY SAUCE RECIPE CLICK HERE!

 I gotta say I have had so much fun creating (and tasting) recipes for you guys this season I think I will do it all over again.... (if my hubby doesn't quit cleaning my dishes πŸ˜…)

 I hope you have a fantastic holiday and that you enjoy making these as much as I did!


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