Thanksgiving Menu Part I

Hey guys I would like to apologize for all the CAPS I am using on this post I just want to make sure you read  those items before you make anything. I wanted to share with you some of my favorite Thanksgiving detox recipes, but since there are many courses I have to split the post into 3 if not you guys will go kinda crazy. So this post will include 2 appetizers, the next post will include what to eat for a  Main dish and to follow that my favorite course DESSERT.

The reason for this post is simple, I want you to be successful on your healing journey and Thanksgiving should be about celebrating and not worrying about what everyone else is gonna have that I can't. These items I am sharing are both good for your detox and your non detox peeps. (Some of your non detox peeps will ask for salt so just.... HIDE IT!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ LOL just kidding, give it a touch of salt after you serve yourself).


To get things started usually we do cheese and crackers, soups or salads.... So lets start with soup

This soup is any one's dream... its creamy and sexy! The ingredients were inspired by she rocks out some awesome vegan cuisine (not detox but vegan). I took one of her recipes and tweaked until it became detox friendly.

Remember guys if you are buying anything that is pre-made (like say the pumpkin puree or coconut milk...) Make sure to READ THE LABLE. If you are purchasing with enough time order this one Pumpkin puree it only has.... ORGANIC PUMPKIN IN IT. For the coconut milk buy a can of GOLDEN STAR COCONUT MILK if you live in South Florida it is sold at Walmart.

Now that I have your attention!! 

The next appetizer I guess is usually made as a side but you will love this version is quick and simple. My favorite words in the world...

Lets make some Honey lemon carrots (non-vegan certified which means my hubby likes em๐Ÿ˜‰)

Keep posted for the following recipes to come for the Detox Thanksgiving menu.
Leave your comments bellow and Remember recipes are suggestions not directions so if you experiment and it's better than mine SHARE IT WITH ME!!๐Ÿ˜‹


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