Smoothie Bowls

These seem to be all the rage right now at juice bars but most times they are not detox friendly. I mean you can modify them and have them at the bar however it would be awesome to make them at home. So I have created this very long post to help you understand how to make your own and also some recipes you can start with.

To start you should always pick a delicious base. This part is the liquid in your smoothie. My favorite pic is usually coconut water or 100% juice. It provides flavor and helps with the fruit combination. For example if you want to make an Orange Peach and Berry bowl, then you can have your orange in juice and in the presentation or just the juice. 

Your next step is to choose how you wanna thicken your smoothie and I personally use normally a banana and some frozen fruit to give the bowl a smooth and thick consistency. I rarely use the avocado but if I am feeling adventurous I will place at least 1/2 an avocado instead of the banana. It gives it this pudding texture and changes the color so I try to use it with Kiwi fruit and on green smoothie bowls so I don't end up with brown sludge. (I mean it usually doesn't matter what color it is as long as it is delish to me but my hubby will not eat it if its brown and there is no chocolate LOL)

The last step is the fun part TOPPINGS. I have been known to go a little overboard on my toppings so I made it a 4 tops rule. Unless I cannot live with out that texture and drizzles do not count. (loophole)

Each one will give you a serving size of a meal or you can split it for 2 snacks.

Enjoy and remember sharing is caring! 


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